Hello EarlyBirds,

The NYTC Winter Season is just weeks away. For your consideration, I am posting this email team-Captain Rich Keeney and I received from Mark regarding the tennis play:

“Hi Early Bird Master Leaders: 
Hope you are having a great summer! We open on SAT Oct 12th. Following are changes to Early Birds to streamline things and still support the Early Bird group. 
Over more than 10 years, the club provided the Early Birds a deal for discounted 1.5 hr courts, if the reservation was made no more than 24 hours in advance. We asked that the Early Birds come in from 8-9:30A and not later, as parking starts to get tight and can affect our 10A start program — Game Arranging.

During that time, we applied for Summer Members an extra 20% reduction and Free courts (per the contract) on top of an already reduced court fee, as compared to Open Prices. So, for all these years, the Summer Members who also played Early Birds got a double discount on court time (the reduced fee inherent in the Early Birds price + 20% off).  
This season, we need to make things simpler and more market realistic. Our Open court price has increased to $80/hr or $120 for 1.5 hrs. Therefore for 4 people on the court who walk in off the street with no discount, the new price is $30 per player. That’s $30 for 1.5 hrs of play. Still pretty cheap. Our new plan for Early Birds is to apply a 33% flat rate discount to all players, which makes that same $30 per play down to $20.

Our new flat rate is $20 per 1.5 hrs of play, per Early Bird player (doubles only. There must be 4 players. However it goes, the cost we want per Early Bird court for 1.5 hrs is $80)

  • This makes is easier for the font desk with our new system to apply the discount
  • Summer Members still get Free courts per the contract dates
  • The front desk does not have to be concerned with who is a Summer Member playing or not
  • This overall discount of 33% includes the 20% discount we owe Summer Members per the contract and more…

As you know, Early Bird rates have always been artificially low, plus when we added a 20% discount the Early Birds who are Summer Members were paying $12 to play 1.5rs!!! On a $120 court?!?!? And then some ‘special’ players would stay until 10A. That’s 2 hours for 12 bucks!!!!! All good. We let that happen. Our bad. But no more. That’s a deal for you but bad for business. A 33% discount on court time is more than reasonable, covers our obligatory 20% discount for Summer Members and then some, and is a win-win for the Early Birds and the club. 
Please let me know if you have any questions. 
Thanks, Mark “

Regarding the website, I will continue posting photos and videos with your permission. Play-scheduling will not be posted. The text-chain you are viewing this message on is the way any individual may organize match play. In past seasons, “Early Birds” have played M/W/F. Is there any reason we cannot includ T/Thu?

Contact information continues to be available on a “private” page which only you have access. Also, anyone may post something on the website. So far, no one has taken advantage of that. Maybe that will change, this season.

Take care and See-You-On-The-Courts


By ra60785